Sunday, 10 June 2012

“How Can Knowledge Management Support Competence-Based Learning? Towards a Research Agenda”

M. Hertlein and S. Smolnik (2012). “How Can Knowledge Management Support Competence-Based Learning? Towards a Research Agenda”. In: 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS). IEEE. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 3661– 3668


Competence-based learning (CBL) appropriate approach to systematically develop dwindling human resources. The close interrelation between the knowledge and competence concepts suggests the conjoint development of knowledge management (KM) and CBL. We specifically focus on the question of how KM can support CBL processes. This article describes the potential synergies, as well as KM instruments that can facilitate the implementation of CBL. In conclusion, we introduce our current research projects and propose a research agenda that address the raised research question.


In Hertlein and Smolnik, 2012: “How Can Knowledge Management Support Competence-Based Learning? Towards a Research Agenda”, the authors make the point that competence-based learning should be integrated into knowledge management systems. They do not describe the knowledge management system architecture they refer to in detail. In my opinion, the paper falls short of enabling the reader to understand the framework and their integration approach properly.

Despite that, I am happy that I read the paper, because it introduced me to the concept of competence-based learning, “an approach to improve the effectiveness of educational processes by improving the personalization and flexibility of learning”. The authors focus on this topic, because they think education and learning will be getting more important in times of “demographic change” where the workforce is getting older and fewer young professionals enter the job market.

I think they are right when they state that “systematic development of human resources will be a dominant competitive factor for knowledge-intensive organizations”. Besides this more general statement, they also offer some insight from a more practical point of view, when they mention that “knowledge management instruments like communities of practice and competence profiles” are “important instruments to support employees’ development”.

For further research on this topic, I will not so much focus on their integration approach, but more on the interesting concept of competence-based learning in general.


Hertlein and Smolnik, 2012: “How Can Knowledge Management Support Competence-Based Learning? Towards a Research Agenda”
Hertlein, M. and S. Smolnik (2012). “How Can Knowledge Management Support Competence-Based Learning? Towards a Research Agenda”. In: 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS). IEEE. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 3661–3668.


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